It happened last Saturday, when my child went to study in his elder brother's school then asked the owner of homestay to pick him up after the studying at about 4 to 5 o'clock and would be reconfirmed by phone. And then right after finished studying at 5 o'clock, he phoned up for pick up but the owner refused to do so then asked him to call taxi instead because of failing to pick up at 4 o'clock as scheduled and including waiting for 10 minutes. After my child came back and queried the owner about why not phoned up and he said that didn't have my child's cell phone number so left a message to elder brother's instead. In addition to that, the owner slammed the table," I'm not your driver and have to take a rest; besides your son isn't the only one to pick up and so on" said rascally.
As a matter of fact that I felt the owner shouldn't leave without considering the danger of my child and or because of other reason of absence especially he had stayed there for only ten days' without knowing whereabouts and also shouldn't speak rascally or even impolitely.
文章來自: https://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7014081700010